Help the Newbies!

Two answers in this topic
a member
Hi everybody,

first: excuse me for my realy bad english!
I´m new here, and it´s glad to see, that i´m not the only gay loving the hard side of music (Gratulations to the man, who started this fab thread! Well done, Mr. Scotscub!).
I started listening to metal very early, but my very fav´s are grunge and the modern metal songs. I´d like to introduce you some of these, but i don´t know, how to insert a song or video.
Help me, please!!!

Scotscub57 yrs
hello there motormaniac, it's ok about your english here, just type the way that you feel on here, after all we do have some German rock fans on here as well.
I was pretty much like yourself there, wondering if I was normal like others gays out there, but prefers their music that little bit extra loud or louder here, I hated all the crap radio shit that modern days radio stations plays , and also the gay night clubs, I love my music loud & proud here anything from the Rolling Stones, The Who, Bowie, Queen, Iron Maiden, Kiss, Metallica & so on here, I created this community to see it there where others out there who also enjoys rock/metal/punk etc! on here I'm so glad that I'm not alone here, as each & everyone who had joined this community here is the same here, we don't all want to listen to plastic pop music from the likes of Lady gaga, girl/boy bands, or whatever, we love the simple delights of good old rock music here that always feels so good no matter what age you are here.

If you have a fav band(s)/artists look them up on You Tube , right click the headings, post on here & then go down when you see the see the share link, right click that until it's highlighted & copy & paste on here, its that simple here.
So I hope that helps you here.
Keep on rocking!
a member
Hi, everybody,

i tried to insert videos from youtube in the way it's intoduced here from Scotscub, but now a new problem appears:
When i embed the code, the vid, and some parts of the code appear for two times in the finished Thread

Some ideas??

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